Water. the all soluble. During pregnancy, you should increase your water intake. Staying hydrated prevents common complications and prepare your body and baby for the changes throughout pregnancy and birth.

Complications avoided by increasing water intake:
reduces chances of infection
decreases chances of pre-term labor
How much water should you be drinking when pregnant? Rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in half. Then take that number and drink that amount in oun

ces. If I weight 120lbs then I would require 60oz of water. Get it?
Ways to increase water intake:
Infuse water with lime
Eat hydrating fruits
Make a water intake chart
Use a water bottle with time markings
Remember, if you are thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated. Drink water throughout the day and listen to your baby and body.
Signs that you are dehydrated:
Braxton Hicks
Infection or concentrated urine
Seeing the shape of baby (low amnionic fluid)
So much is out of control during pregnancy and birth, but we can get a grip on how we lubricate the body. Drink water! Keep you and baby healthy!